Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Calendars!

Yeah, that's what it's about! Spanking new calendars! Fresh, crisp, unmarked, right out of the cellophane.

It'll feel good to do that. '08 was a roller coaster around here, ending with an unexpected downer. But not today. Today was a beautiful, sunny day... and a great day to go to Devil's Head in Merrimac. Not a big crowd, nobody drinking overmuch that early so an easygoing bunch to boot. All that December snow had to be made to be good for something.

One of the most incredible parts of this past year was meeting so many truly amazing people. If you think that you are one of them-- then you are indeed one of them. A toast to you!

It's just flipping a page-- or hanging up a new set of pages on the wall-- but for what it's worth, I hope that everyone reading this has a wonderful 2009. And that whatever comes-- when there are days like this, with more hours of darkness than light, and there's a pile of tiresome snow around your feet, and it's barely above zero-- still, the sun will be shining just enough to make you notice a surprising warmth. And that'll get you through.

And maybe this will help too: one of my resolutions? Write better! :-D

Love you all.


dj said...

Mary: One of the best things for me personally in 2008 getting to know many wonderful people and that absolutely includes you.

Lets hope the upcoming year is kind to all of us!!

Happy New Year to you, Miss C, and the Wood Fairy!!!

Suz said...

Very nice to see you, divine Ms. M...

May your year be wonderful! Thank you for the friendship. I include it in my highlight reel of good things from 2008, of which there were actually many. Thank God for you PE friends who have lightened my world in so many ways.

We must do coffee. Have your people call my people. :)

Osh said...

Love to you and yours in 2009!

I have to change my calendar still.